To make a more sustainable world

Solidarity and sustainability project

At Escola Túrbula we believe that the whole educational community must have a social commitment, so we are immersed in solidarity actions that make our environment and the world more sustainable. Sustainability education is a very broad approach that permeates all areas of the school.

It has to be part of our day-to-day life and the way we do it, not just our students, but all the school staff. It must also have the collaboration of families.

We believe that one of the keys to solidarity and sustainable education is that it is learned by making it a reality, by acting and not just talking about it.

Our project aims to improve the school in accordance with the new challenges of education and does so through the goal of raising awareness and dynamizing actions so that they are incorporated into the project of the Center, promoting social and environmental initiatives involving both students and the rest of the community.

The aim is to continue to promote a change in the culture of the center through the following lines of action:

  • Organize and expand scheduled social and environmental actions.
  • Designing the Túrbula CSR policy (in all social and environmental aspects)
  • Increase the number of participants in the different stages and areas in social and environmental actions.
  • Improving the organization and awareness of our entire educational community in solidarity actions (social and environmental)
  • Assess the impact of social and environmental actions on the educational community.

We want to achieve a participatory school and willing to change, an open and active and supportive school.



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