Compulsory Secondary Education
L ’Educació Secundària Obligatòria consists of 4 courses (12 to 16 years). Our tasca tea with the purpose of accompanying the alumnat in the seva evolution from nen / a to adolescent, and donate in response to the diversity of interests, motivations and qualifications that each of our three students have. The objective of the stage consists of the assumption of the basic competencies that favor the autonomy necessary for the apprehension and for personal development and social.
L’alumnat Túrbula must be able to believe in freedom, to know how to think with critical feelings, per power fer-ho, Needs of the apprehension significance on him is the protagonist, with autonomy and respect cap els altres. The fundamental elements of l’ESO are the següents:
Individualized tutorial attention
Individualized tutorial attention
Individualized tutorial attention of the student for such that he / she may recommend an academic performance appropriate to the various skills. The figure of the individual tutor, who accompanies the student during the entire stage, guarantees the connection of the needs and the enhancement of the particular skills. The basis of the relationship with the families is the direct and constant tracte.
the different curricular disciplines
Learning of the different curricular disciplines
both commons with optatives, from the experience and the connection.
L’alumne aprèn fent. Offering unfolding to Ciències Naturals, in which the students can experience each week the continguts donats to the classroom. Desdoblaments a Tecnologia, in which students work and learn ICT as users or programmers. Unfolding of Physics Ed introduint the aquatic activities within the curricular hours. Acostament of the student to nous ambits with the Robotics.
The importance of languages in general and English in particular.
We believe that the use of the English language is an asset in our education. We have been participating in international projects for many years and have been extending hours of English language subjects following the CLIL approach (CLIL). We offer a second foreign language, native Irish assistants with small groups, flexible language groups, two teachers in the classroom, exchanges with foreign schools, Participation in the Experimental Group for Plurilingualism (GEP) Project. Natural sciences from 1st and 2nd, Music from 3rd and 4th, A taste of art in 3rd and English language workshop in all courses. We offer preparation for the PET and FIRST exams.
The support of the student in his personal maturation and growth
Accompanying the student
Accompanying students in their personal maturation and growth from 12 to 16 years old. The family-school relationship is essential in this four-year process in which families, students and teachers will be part of it, and where the student must be able to move freely.
We are all the same, we are all different
Attention to diversity
We care for each of our students from their diversity, no teenagers are alike. Every student is different and every student learns differently. To achieve this, we will use flexible groups, small groups and different levels and optional subjects, both reinforcement and extension.
Emotional education
Emotional education is part of our day-to-day life at our center. In Túrbula, students must be able to feel happy and secure, growing with a firm step accompanied by all of us and thus be able to make the decisions that they will have to make at the end of the stage.
Help the student make future decisions
Career guidance
Career guidance for students will help them make future decisions at the end of the compulsory stage.