.01 Integral Education
We believe that students should receive a comprehensive, rational and free training, being able to express their own personality. We value positively those attitudes towards life that are manifested with behaviors governed by certain values that we will share with the entire Túrbula educational community. Also, at school we plan globally the work of the developmental aspects of our students that allow us to achieve the model of person we want.
The center is defined as secular, paying special attention to the moral aspects and values that the major religions provide to our students and that are consistent with the goals of comprehensive education that we pursue in school.
It is the duty of the entire community to foster these values among our students.
.02 Progressive pedagogy
We accompany the student throughout the educational process offering quality, active and personalized teaching, through innovative educational methodologies based on Neurodidactics that allow the student to actively participate in their learning process and encourage cooperative behavior.
The teacher accompanies, creates, helps, encourages and reinforces. During the teaching-learning task, the most important thing is the process and not the immediate result, so we facilitate the achievement of the objectives by proposing challenges, encouraging curiosity and adding a very important play and exercise component. in this approach.
Based on schedules that are constantly evaluated and reviewed, we guarantee the personal improvement of each student according to their individuality, and the attainment of those basic skills and abilities for life that will enable our children to face a changing and uncertain future.
We propose a system of personalized evaluation -each boy and girl are unique and different- adapting the established criteria to the Curricular Project of the Center, which are periodically submitted to the assessment and improvement by the Faculty. Families receive assessment reports each term indicating student progress and reinforcement measures taken. Some levels receive a pre-assessment report for guidance before the quarterly assessment.
In addition, the center offers a wide range of complementary and extracurricular activities. These can vary each term and are focused on strengthening some curricular areas and introducing formative aspects that the ordinary curriculum does not contemplate. They are presented by the faculty to the management team taking into account the Annual Program and the Curricular Project of the Center and approved each year by the School Council of the center.
Quarterly, at least one pedagogical outing is scheduled which, due to its correct schedule, is published monthly.
The center also organizes the following trips and stays:
- School camps
- Skiing camp
- Course final trip
which, by their nature, have their own specific programming and funding proposal.
.03 Family participation
The families of our students must share the same values that the school promotes. Their role is fundamental in the student’s training process, which is why joint involvement, School-Family, is important. We encourage this work, through different strategies:
- Tutorials.
- Meetings with the teachers of the Cycle.
- Talks and round tables.
- Interviews with the Management Team.
- Family guidance.
- Mothers and / or fathers delegated of course
- Leisure and cultural activities
Our families are committed to respecting the rules of operation of the center and to collaborating in all those tasks that in the field of the education of their children are the responsibility of the family (punctuality, attendance, meetings with tutors, etc.). This commitment is manifested in the signing of the Letter of Educational Commitment by the School and the Family, drafted in accordance with the provisions of Law 12/2009 on Centers and Decree 102/2010 on Autonomy of Centers.
.04 Coexistence
At Túrbula we believe that good coexistence is a necessary element in developing a quality educational project. That is why we generate a positive emotional climate in the classroom that facilitates relationships and an active attitude towards diversity among all members of the Educational Community.
We consider it a priority to create motivating environments where learning is truly meaningful to each student.
The School, like any social organization, needs the application of rules that guarantee a peaceful coexistence and facilitate the creation of an ideal environment to develop the our Educational Project. These principles of coexistence apply both to the School and to all the activities organized within it.
In this sense, we believe that preventive discipline is preferable to corrective, and this is reflected in the corrective measures proposed by our Rules of Procedure.
School bullying, disruptive behaviors in class sessions, etc. require the application of clear rules and protocols that guarantee the exercise of the freedom and other rights of all members of our community, but we are also aware that values and skills consistent with our ideology.
In addition to the Rules of Organization and Operation of the Center, we have developed protocols for action in situations of risk (bullying, sexual and moral harassment, right to privacy and privacy , etc.) that contemplate, according to the need, the application of diverse actions, from the measures of prevention to the correctors.
.05 Commitment to the environment
The school, with a humanitarian perspective, promotes in our Community the value of solidarity by opening a range of possibilities in the management of the feelings that social and cultural inequalities in our immediate environment, country and world, generate in our students. .
Our goal is to create awareness, sensitize and involve the entire educational community through different activities and actions that are carried out throughout the course.
Service-learning projects are numerous in our annual programs, such as the initiative of the Department of Health of the school, which collaborates with different associations and institutions carrying out free prevention and treatment programs aimed at people with risk of social exclusion.
All these actions add value to the personal growth of our students.